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   Neurobiology of Decision Making Course

  School of Cognitive Sciences at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) offers a graduate course level on Neurobiology of Decision Making with the focus on perceptual decision making. The course will loosely follow advances in decision making and there will be psychophysics and/or neural data analysis projects during the course

  You can apply to attend this course if you are a graduate student (i.e., student in a PhD, MD, PharmD, DVM or master program) in any field of science or engineering.
The course will be held at the School of Cognitive Sciences, IPM, in person, for about 14 weeks, starting from Spring 2023

  To apply, you need to:
- Send a one-page statement of purpose to explain why you want to attend this course to mehdi.sanayei@gmail.com
- Arrange for a recommendation letter to be sent to the same email address
- Pass the exam (See below).

  The deadline for sending them is January 20nd, 2023 (30st Day 1401).

  You are expected to have a good command of English, be able to read the relevant books and papers with the class, and to present them regularly.

  Pass an exam based on following chapters from Principles of Neural Science, 6th ed. 2021: 7 to 25, 34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 52-54 and 56.The exam will be held in February 2023 .

  Have attended or watched Neuromatch Academy (computational neuroscience), and be comfortable with neuronal data analysis, if you are interested in a data analysis project; or, have hands-on experience with MATLAB and psychtoolbox extension if you are interested in a psychophysics project.
