Research Groups:

Theoretical Neuroscience

Theoretical neuroscience has entered a new phase of maturity which poses many exciting questions at the forefront of brain sciences. These include what the basic properties of brain's dynamics are, such as normalization, amplification, superlinear addition, etc., as well as asking the question of whether or not there are some units of computation upon which the cortical activity is based on. It is now generally known that brain's spontaneous activity and its intrinsic oscillations and neural variability carries some deep insight into how the basic operations of the brain unfolds. Also, in light of new imaging techniques and advances in data analysis we are now in a much better position than just a decade ago to study one of the most fundamental questions of brain sciences, namely, what is the relation between the structure and the function of the brain and how it all relates to behavior. more...

Computational Neuroscience

This Group is interested in developing computer simulations of the neural and synaptic mechanisms, disease process, or cognitive phenomena such as attention, recognition, visual object recognition, spatial processing and navigation, motor function, language and consciousness.

System Neuroscience

Formed in 2002, this group was the pioneer of systems neuroscience and primate electrophysiology in Iran. Past and present researchers of this group make a strong collaborative network to span a broad range of topics in neural sciences, including mechanisms of object recognition, sensory system, attention, perception, and cognition.
This group's focus is identifying the neural circuits underlying fundamental perceptual and cognitive functions. Our research principally involves studying the activity of single neurons, and large populations of neurons in sensory and motor structures within the brain. We are interested in developing and implementing electrophysiological methods in fundamental problems of systems and circuit-level neuroscience. To this end, we are conducting parallel behavioral and physiological experiments in human and animals (monkeys and rats) that are trained to perform selected cognitive tasks. By recording the activity of cortical neurons during performance of such tasks, we gain insights into the relationship of neuronal activity and animal’s behavior. A mixture of electrophysiological, behavioral, and computational techniques are used to test precise hypotheses concerning the relationship of brain and behavior.

Our in vivo electrophysiology laboratories comprises electrophysiology recording rigs for acute studies in monkeys and rates. This including mutli-channel real-time neural and cortical recording (Spike and local field potential (LFP)) system and access to an eyeLink 1000 for eye tracking.

Brain Mapping Centre

This Centre is dedicated to understanding of the brain through state-of-the-art technology such as MRI, MEG, EEG, NIRS, cTMS, tDCS, immunohistochemistry, stereology, etc. These techniques help us to visualise and quantify brain structure and function in health and disease. The expertise working in this lab mainly include faculties of the IPM as well as Shahid Beheshti University. These scientists work on three major areas of MRI Physics, Analysis and Statistics, and Translational Imaging. We welcome national and international collaborations. more...
