Psychtoolbox (MATLAB) or E-Prime software and other stimulus presentation programs can also be supported for behavioral tasks. Two chin-rests are also available to decrease the head movement
Eye tracking provides continuous measure of eye activity such as gaze direction, rapid eye saccades, slow pursuit movements, and, pupil size and pupil dilatory changes in response to certain stimuli. An SR-Research EyeLink 1000 Plus capable of data acquisition of 1000Hz binocular/2000Hz monocular resolution is available.
EEG is a non-invasive method which, by means of electrodes attached to the scalp, records the changes in electric potentials caused by neural activity. Our facility's primary system is a BayaMed EEG V64.2, package, composed of 64-channel caps with Ag/AgCl electrodes. EEG and ERP data acquisition are possible with a sampling rate of 250-1kHz.For ERP studies, a trigger box is also provided to generate trigger pulses locked to events.
VR Headset equipped with different sensors, VEDD gyroscope and an eye tracking system capable of acquiring gaze origin, gaze direction, pupil position and size, and eye openness with a 110° trackable field of view at 120Hz. Stimuli are presented via Dual-OLED displays with a resolution of 1440 x 1600 pixels per eye at 90Hz.
Facility Manager
s.zabbah [at] ipm [dot] ir
Facility Technician
babakfe [at] gmail [dot] com
Facility Technician
sa.ghaffarzadeh [at] gmail [dot] com
Facility Technician
m9397 [at] aut [dot] ac [dot] ir