SCS Groups and Projects
Learning and Memory Laboratory
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Object Value Learning and Memory

Recent evidence shows that different structures are involved in different time-scales of value learning and memory. We are focusing on cortico-striatal mechanisms of value learning and memory using fMRI and EEG in humans and single unit recording in macaque monkeys to reveal the neural mechanism of value learning and memory [1,2].

Dimensions of object salience

Previous experience with objects can change their intrinsic visual salience. These experiences include dimensions such as reward, risk, aversiveness and novelty (3]. We aim to find the common and dissociable neural mechanisms underlying the above mentioned dimensions in comparison to the reward dimension [4].

Model of decision making

Decision making has many manifestations. We are interested in the decisions that are guided by past reward memory [5]. In particular, we are interested in simultaneous decisions about objects with respect to their values and how they can be modelled with simple drift diffusion processes with various degrees of shared noise [6].

Tools for neural analysis

We are interested in developing better methods for neuroscience data analysis and visualization. Previously a deconvolution technique for parsing components of neural activity to closely spaced events was developed []. Currently, we are working on methods with applications in neural electrophysiology, EEG and fMRI [8].



Selected Publications


We take a broad interest in understanding learning and memory mechanisms in the brain. Current focus of the lab is value-based learning and memory and their influence on decision making, perception and motivation using human and nonhuman primates. We use psychophysics, imaging and electrophysiology along with computational analysis and mathematical modeling to get at the principles that shape neural systems function and structure in relation to value driven behavior.

Our Amazing Team


Ali Ghazizadeh, PhD

Principal Investigator

alighazizadeh [at] ipm [dot] ir

Mojtaba Abbas-Zadeh, PhD

Postdoc Researcher

mabbaszadeh [at] ipm [dot] ir

Abdolvahed Narmashiri

Postdoc Researcher

a_narmashiri [at] ipm [dot] ir

Sara Motie


262.smb [at] gmail [dot] com

Reza Hashemirad


rezahashemi1376 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mohammad Ruzbehani Malayeri


m.malayeri1992 [at] gmail [dot] com

Sepideh Farmani

PhD Student

farmani [at] ipm [dot] ir

Saba Shahsavarani

PhD Student

shahsavaranisaba [at] ipm [dot] ir